(updated for sally)
rushing all my work these few days, so busy until i forgot to update. (sally had to remind me) haha. i have a secret. which i cant say. haha. thats why its called a secret. i got 2 new shoes over the weekend. mum got it for me. so sweet. they are from crocs warehouse sale? up to 80% leh.. super cheap! haha. 20 bucks each. i was like damn it. should grab all on the first day with my mum. my mum is my shifu for sale-grabbing techniques. hahah. the shoes' colours are a little hard to match though. i guess i have to buy clothes that can match my new shoes! yay! one reason to shop, but im broke. sighs. why cant money fall from the sky? ohwells, back to hw-ing. bstats. arrghh.

ps, does anyone have 路 by fish leong? i like that song. heehee.
rushing all my work these few days, so busy until i forgot to update. (sally had to remind me) haha. i have a secret. which i cant say. haha. thats why its called a secret. i got 2 new shoes over the weekend. mum got it for me. so sweet. they are from crocs warehouse sale? up to 80% leh.. super cheap! haha. 20 bucks each. i was like damn it. should grab all on the first day with my mum. my mum is my shifu for sale-grabbing techniques. hahah. the shoes' colours are a little hard to match though. i guess i have to buy clothes that can match my new shoes! yay! one reason to shop, but im broke. sighs. why cant money fall from the sky? ohwells, back to hw-ing. bstats. arrghh.

ps, does anyone have 路 by fish leong? i like that song. heehee.
或许我不能, 把爱看清楚...