busy the whole entire day. omg, can time just slow down for a day? i need 24hours to catch up on everything!! omg, the pace of life is just moving too fast for me to even take a breath.
anyways, my ex-chinese tuition teacher bought this bag for me! isnt she sweet? haha. didnt expect it, but its a nice bag. i've used it once like on tuesday for jap class and it is really chic and cute!! haha. i love black too.

anyways, my ex-chinese tuition teacher bought this bag for me! isnt she sweet? haha. didnt expect it, but its a nice bag. i've used it once like on tuesday for jap class and it is really chic and cute!! haha. i love black too.

我想要的那片天空, 你是不是能夠給我?