MB. sighs. this is my least fav subject this sem. its like CHIM. and i didnt take bio in secondary school so i was CLUELESS about whatever the lecturer is talking about. the beginning i was like HUH? thats my only response when she asked questions. it was that bad, i know. but im picking bio up slowly. now, at least i can understand what i am reading, PHEW.
today was just studying and more studying. last paper TMR! after that, its TIME TO RELAX. but i want to try to get a job? ya. found 1 but dont know if i can find more, my mum isn't really into me working. she was like ' why need to work? its not like im not giving you money for meals! ' but i want THE EXPERIENCE. so, if you ppl out there have any lobang (job space), can inform me? but its not 100% i will take it, im quite picky. haha. cant help it. oh wells, wish me good luck for tmr. i REALLY NEED IT. (:
this was my work desk for the first half of the day.
sally and i are really INTO this sugared candy nowadays after huihiang introduced it to us.
here's sally and her candy!
looks like everyone is into THE candy. its sour so i kinda like it, dont know why but i love sour stuff.
everyone's eating it this morning!
everyone looking sian in the games room.
joel and benedict trying to re-live their childhood.. -_-''
and here's the end product of their project. it was erm, quite a success thanks to julianty's itchy fingers. i couldnt get the video of it la.
more studying at myspace. everyone looking SO serious. the guys are in the background. sitting at different tables because of someone la! say wrong thing! -_-''
The greatest tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.
today was just studying and more studying. last paper TMR! after that, its TIME TO RELAX. but i want to try to get a job? ya. found 1 but dont know if i can find more, my mum isn't really into me working. she was like ' why need to work? its not like im not giving you money for meals! ' but i want THE EXPERIENCE. so, if you ppl out there have any lobang (job space), can inform me? but its not 100% i will take it, im quite picky. haha. cant help it. oh wells, wish me good luck for tmr. i REALLY NEED IT. (:

The greatest tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.