if only time can stop for 1 second, then maybe things wouldn't be the way it is right now.
if only i made the right decision, then maybe things wouldn't be like this.
if only everything could be where it was in the past, then maybe i could move on faster.
if only there was a second chance for me, then i would have done better.
if only life wasn't filled with dark gloomy clouds, then my everyday would have been much brighter.
if only i had realised what i lost earlier, then maybe i would have learn to cherish earlier.
if only time could turn back once more, then maybe i could try to turn things around.
the list continues, so many 'if only' but they are just all empty words.
what happened a minute ago is history.
but its the present that is important. cherish it.
it will all be over in flash..
and there's nothing you do that can change the past..
the past can either be REGRET or RELIEF.
if only i made the right decision, then maybe things wouldn't be like this.
if only everything could be where it was in the past, then maybe i could move on faster.
if only there was a second chance for me, then i would have done better.
if only life wasn't filled with dark gloomy clouds, then my everyday would have been much brighter.
if only i had realised what i lost earlier, then maybe i would have learn to cherish earlier.
if only time could turn back once more, then maybe i could try to turn things around.
the list continues, so many 'if only' but they are just all empty words.
what happened a minute ago is history.
but its the present that is important. cherish it.
it will all be over in flash..
and there's nothing you do that can change the past..
the past can either be REGRET or RELIEF.
don't do things that you will regret in the future