as huiling has requested for pics, i decided to upload some pics regarding my NEW PENCIL BOX! its really a BOX. no joking. the pics will show. its really nice! its funky and different from others. everyone should get it. they have different designs too. mine is the pull out kind. there's the metallic one where by its like opening a fridge? but they didnt have the design i wanted in the magnet kind, and i cant get the magnet kind because, according to the sale lady, i have to be GENTLE with it. but im not GENTLE AT ALL! so i cant get those kind. sighs.but the one i have now is not as bad. i like the design! haha. the way you open it is erm, unique? shant elaborate cos its the seventh month. haha. but the only problem with it is that its really small so i cant put that much in it. but maybe its a good thing too. at least my bag wouldnt be that heavy cos my pencil box is really light. i can only fit like 6 pens in it? but i dont need that many pens either. i only have 1 hand needed for writing. duh. haha. anyway, ill let the pics do the talking!
the photo album of a cute pencil box!
i was revising math when i took this pic.
even the sides have design! how pretty..
can only put SO LITTLE things in it. but its too cute for me to not buy it. i couldnt resist it. heehee.
my latest collection of cute things.
the photo album of a cute pencil box!